Call it funfetti puppy chow, call it birthday cake puppy chow-- this is the crunchy, cake-battery take on the classic Puppy Chow you want for your next celebration!
In a medium saucepan over low heat2, melt the butter, white chocolate, almond extract3, and vanilla extract3, stirring constantly until completely melted. Remove from heat.
¼ cup (57g) unsalted butter, 8 ounces (227g) high quality white chocolate1, 1 teaspoon almond extract, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Immediately pour melted mixture over cereal and stir gently to coat.
Pour cereal into a large zip-top bag or large container with a tight-fitting lid and add the sprinkles. Shake until all of the sprinkles are dispersed evenly.
⅔ cup (134g) sprinkles
Add the powdered sugar and shake again until everything is coated. Spread onto baking sheet lined with foil or parchment and allow to cool. Discard excess powder. Store in an airtight container at room temperature up to one week.
1 cup (120g) powdered sugar
White chocolate: I cannot stress enough that you should not use white chocolate chips for this recipe. Chocolate chips contain stabilizers that help them keep their shape, so melting them smoothly can be tricky. Because you're introducing moisture (the extract and the butter) to your melting material, it is already going to be a little less smooth than it would be if you left those ingredients out. My preference for this step is white vanilla melting flavored wafers.
Low heat: it is very important for you to use low heat here and to keep the mixture moving.
Extracts: it is imperative that you add extract at the beginning of the melting process. Adding it later will cause the mixture to seize up, and you will be unable to use it.
All nutritional values are approximate and provided to the reader as a courtesy. Changing ingredients and/or quantities will alter the estimated nutritional calculations.